On 25 October 2021 Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Ms. Temuulen, the co-founder of Equity Lab NGO and Mr. Batzaya, the founder and CEO of Tetgeleg application.
Tetgeleg application provides free and timely scholarship information and it became trending application which has reached over 50,000 youths since its creation.
The purpose of the application is:
Scholarship information
Advice/ counseling
Specialised information for targeted group
Being the gate for students getting scholarship for studying abroad or in the home country by exchanging valuable information.
Under the MoU, the parties affirmed their support in distributing information to the public through their training programs and platforms, and also in implementing and supporting joint long-term and short-term programs.

MOU signing ceremony between Equity Lab NGO and Tetgeleg application team.
25 October 2021